Hipshot Grip-Lock Open 18:1 6 inline Chrome locking Staggered tuners 6K1GL0C-Stag
Hipshot Grip-Lock Open 18:1 6 inline Black locking Staggered tuners 6K1GL0B-Stag
Hipshot Grip-Lock Open Chrome 18:1 3x3 tuners with UMP 6K2GL0C
Hipshot Fender Drop-in Upgrade Directrofit locking 2-pin tuner kit, Chrome NEW!
Hipshot Grip-Lock 8 String 4x4 Black Open 18:1 locking tuners
Hipshot Grip-Lock Open 18:1 3x3 Black locking tuners with UMP 6K2GL0B
Hipshot Grip-Lock 8 String Black locking tuner upgrade for 4x4 with UMP
Hipshot Grip-Lock Enclosed 7 in line non-staggered post Black locking tuner
Hipshot Grip-Lock Open 18:1 6 inline Nickel locking Staggered tuners 6K1GL0N-Stag
Hipshot Fender Drop-in Upgrade Directrofit locking 2-pin tuner kit, Nickel NEW!
Hipshot Grip-Lock Enclosed 6 in line staggered post Chrome locking tuner
Hipshot Grip-Lock Open Nickel 18:1 3x3 tuners with UMP 6K2GL0N
Hipshot Vintage 8.5mm Nickel 3x3 Enclosed Griplock Tuner Kit with UMP
Hipshot Vintage 8.5mm Nickel Staggered Enclosed Grip-lock Tuner UMP Upgrade Kit
Hipshot Grip-Lock Enclosed 4x2 Chrome locking tuner
Hipshot Grip-Lock Enclosed 3x3 Chrome locking tuner
Hipshot Grip-Lock Open 18:1 6 inline Left Hand Black locking tuners 6K1GL0BT
Hipshot Grip-Lock Open 18:1 6 inline Gold locking Staggered tuners 6K1GL0G-Stag
Hipshot Grip-Lock Enclosed 3x3 Black locking tuner
Hipshot Vintage 8.5mm Chrome 3x3 Enclosed Griplock Tuner Kit with UMP
Hipshot Grip-Lock Enclosed 6 in line Left Hand/Reverse non-staggered post Black locking tuner
Hipshot Grip-Lock Open 18:1 6 inline Satin Chrome locking Staggered tuners 6K1GL0S-Stag
Hipshot Grip-Lock Open Satin Chrome 18:1 3x3 tuners with UMP 6K2GL0S
Hipshot Grip-Lock Open 18:1 6 inline Chrome Lefty locking Staggered tuners 6K1GL0CT-Stag