Graph Tech Ghost Acousti-Phonic preamp Kit for Guitar -Advanced
Ghost Acousti-Phonic Preamp Kit for Guitar
Be the Band with the ghost® Pickup System. Get studio-quality acoustic sound or MIDI-compatible output at the flick of a switch! Finally, an affordable, modular pickup system in an easy-to-install package.
- Incredibly authentic, studio-quality acoustic guitar tone.
- Natural compression totally eliminates piezo "quack".
- All the benefits of Graph Tech's patented String Saver™ saddles.
- Easy, plug-and-play installation; very little soldering required.
- Expandable system -- pre-amps & optional controls simply plug in!
The Acousti-Phonic Kit for Guitar includes:
BD-0240-00 Acousti-Phonic Intelligent pre-amp EQ'd for guitar
BD-0103-01 Switchcraft Stereo Switched Output Jack
BE-5003-00 Stereo Output Jack Cable Assembly (R-W-Bu harness, connects jack to pre-amp)
BE-5002-00 Acoustic Volume Cable Assembly (Vi-Y-Gn harness, connects volume pot and mag system to pre-amp)
BE-0204-00 Battery Connecter (connects 9v to pre-amp)
BE-0205-00 Battery Holder (metal clip that holds 9V battery)
PE-0111-00 QuickSwitch for mag/both/acoustic
PE-0206-00 Acoustic Volume Pot with Mid/Dark Switch
You will also need to order ghost Saddle Pickups or a ghost-loaded Bridge Assembly to complete your ghost system. Pickups are different for every type of guitar bridge, so they are always ordered separately from the kits.
To use the Acousti-Phonic in Stereo Mode (two amps, mag and acoustic) you'll need a Stereo Y-Cable.
The Installation manual is available Here
Acousti-Phonic Modular Pre-amp
- for studio-quality acoustic sound from your electric guitar or bass.
- captures the natural acoustics of your electric guitar -- hear the sound of the wood!
- can be amplified or recorded directly
- eliminates feedback or mic placement problems associated with an amplified acoustic guitar
- automatically detects and selects mono (single amp) or stereo (dual amp) operation
- onboard ghost pickup volume control to adjust the magnetic/acoustic mix
- auxiliary 9v - 18v power for active mag pickups -- eliminates the need for two sets of batteries
- included jack shuts off all on-board devices when 1/4" cable is unplugged
-- Guitarist Magazine
The ghost Modular Pickup System is factory installed in guitars made by:
Godin, Peavey, Schecter, Carvin, and the Yamaha Custom Shop.